ToddleWood Photoshoot 2011
Photo shoots #1 and #2 CASTING CALL
Looking for SIX young boys for the first two ToddleWood shoots
Gender: BOYS ONLY (Casting for 3 boys with these specs)
Height: No taller than 46 inches
Age: No younger than 3 ½ years old
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Other: Must be able to follow direction
Hair: Blond Hair (Straight or Curly haired boys)
Gender: BOYS ONLY (Casting for 3 boys with these specs)
Height: No taller than 46 inches
Age: No younger than 3 ½ years old
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Other: Must be able to follow direction
Hair: Dark/Black (No curly hair/only straight)
Submit photo, email and phone number, height, hair color, eye color and age to
Good Luck
xoxo, T